Sunday, May 08, 2005

May 8, 2005

I've moved from Xanga! Egads! (Not that I was actually posting on the thing anymore...)

Today is quite a busy day, which is (of course) why I choose to make a blog! Yes, procrastination and that lovely feeling of running about in head-chopping-of-a-chicken like manner...not sure what to say though. Stanford has been like a madhouse this weekend, with the Powow, Taiko concert, Talisman concert, Spring Faire (why the e, i ask? why?), and a kazillion other things going on all at once. Not to say I've been to all of the above, but a fair (no e!) number, yes.

In particular, the taiko show was awesome! V. impressive.

Sigh. Otherwise I've swamped with work. This quarter is killing me in inches! There's at least 3 things due (or quizzed) every week and lab work is soon going to get more intense, as we start running more mice on the (useless) BP machine and eventually (time-suck-of-an) MRI.

But I like complaining about having work instead of feeling lazy, so all's well in my little world. Missing Taylor and Jenny though, not to mention those buddies that live on East campus whom I don't get to see all that often. Hmm...I liked randomly bumping into friends, which happens less often in the boonies known as GovCo.

Oh! Funniest thing. The entrance to GovCo has had this huuuuuge fabric sign of Vice Provost of Education John Bravman's picture hanging from the second floor balcony for about a week now, and I finally heard what it was all about- the story was in the Intermission in the Daily last Friday. Apparently some random students have started an "artistic" movement around Bravman, trying to see how one reacts to discovering you're the center of an artistic movement (and haven't realized it). There are Andy Warhol style shirts with his face, and this huge banner has apparently been hung about campus, including Memchu where he gave a talk a little while ago. I think this is by far one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard :D Nice going, guys!

Well, it's back to the grind. Trying to figure out darn PDZ domains and what they have to do with AMPA receptors and the stargazin protein (is that the coolest protein name, or what?).

I stole the following from Craig's profile :)
Horas non numero nisi serenas.
The latin means "I only count the sunny hours" and is a common inscription on sundials


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