Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit...

unless you're British, cause that would make no sense at all.

There's a great article in the New York Times on "Watching New Love As it Sears the Brain" (sounds painful, doesn't it?). It's about these MRI studies on people in relationships- romantic love vs. passionate love, etc. Lights up different areas of the brain. Personally, I think they should have titled the piece "Going on a caudate" or "Will you caudate me?" Read the piece (or look at the pictures), it might make a bit more sense ;)

One of the main researchers on the topic has this great book out called "Anatomy of Love" (Dr. Helen Fisher, I think) that is pretty readable and interesting. I started perusing the first few chapters on a paper for a gender class while in Oxford (in the formidable Bodelian library!) and but ended up changing topics so didn't finish the book. Hm. It's on my reading list, along with stuff by Marilyn Yalom, who came to speak to my women's health class earlier this quarter.

I am officially EXHAUSTED. So sleepy. Walking everywhere sucks because it takes so much freaking longer. I like getting to chat on the phone though :) Didn't get much sleep yesterday cause of cramming for the ions quiz, which was still rather difficult. I had a mini-powow with some of the other students in the class afterwards and we were banging our heads against the wall to try to figure out if some kinds of adynayl cyclase actually did have external ligands, or whether it was a 12 transmembrane spanning domain with 2 ATP phosphorylation/binding sites, or if it was phosphatases that dephosphorylated an active protein or phosphodiesterase (the former, yay!).

Julia and I are officially done with the ions paper. Sent and sent via the magical powers of e-mail. We actually managed to get that beast of a paper down to 850 words too! No mean feat, that.

I took a very short-seeming 2 hour nap before heading off to cultural psych class and then women's health class. Everyone's writing papers that sound so interesting! Mine is going to be on heart failure and biological differences in men and women. Doesn't sound as fun, but I'm into the topic- there's some really neat research suggesting significant biological differences.

I've currently crashed in the writing center couches, tried to take a nap but felt sort of self-conscious about it, so (all else failing), of course started bloggercising. Have to stick around the area because my ions class is have a pizza/discussion weird session thing. Just goes to show, you're never really done with ions (or intracellular transport).

Here's to hoping I can get some sleep after this and then power drive through that women's health paper. Lots of errands to do tomorrow, a meeting or two, and I have to study/cram for the lovely human nutrition final, which has so much detail!


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