Monday, December 12, 2005

Flu oh flu, you make me blue

But apparently unnoticeably so.

One of the worst things about the flu (okei, not the worst, but annoying, for sure) is apparently people can't tell when you have it. Or when I have it, anyways.

When I'm not barricading myself in my room or lying on my bed, hoping for an end to the misrey, I sort of drag myself to and from the bathroom/Vaden/dining hall (although food as a whole has been just...gross....). But apparently, I look a-okei, because people are like, "how are you" and I reply, "I...have....the...flu!!!!" and they respond with raised eyebrows like "oh, really?" and of course I'm like "YEAH!!!!!" YOU get the flu and then maybe you'll understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is horrible. It's like being hit by a truck....over and over again...unexpectedly, but you know, at some time during the day, it's coming again. Maybe more like mini-trucks (because of the stupid shaking/shivering), while sitting in a sauna gone mad.

Lucky I have Morgan to bring me slurpies and sour candy.

Note to those who might be getting ill: when the doc says to take 600 mg of ibuprofen with food...take it with food!!! You'll be even more nauseated if you don't (believe me, I know).

Ugh. speaking of nauseated...

Going to try to study now. Darnit, why couldn't I have gotten this during Thanksgiving break?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Son of a gun

I have the freakin flu. I have THE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, this makes me bitter and angry but mostly just....tired. And frustrated. It's only half a week before finals...finals, which I might add, cost 50-60% of my grades for the respective classes. It's biochem that worries me the most.

In case you were wondering what the flu consists of, I'll tell you. If you weren't wondering, I'll tell you anyways. Because it's my blog. And I can.

Body aches
Chills and sweats
Uncontrollable shivering <-- this one is the WORST
Fever (of 103 degrees last night!!!!)

Sounds charming, doesn't it?

I swear, this is the sickest I've ever been my whole entire life- I don't remember ever being this bad. I rarely got colds before last year. Sigh.

Some jello would be nice right now. I've been living off gatorade, pills, soup, starbursts, and orange juice. And water. And yes, I have been using the guy's bathroom from the hours of 3 am to 7 am because darnit, I never asked to live on the freaking 3rd floor and the 2nd floor is too far away.

Tired. Going back to studying.