Monday, August 22, 2005


for now

Hm...physical sciences went pretty poorly, I think, which does not bode well. There was a weird passage on Christmas mini-lights Not anything to worry about until Oct 18th or so. Sigh of relief.

I can't believe the summer is almost gone. I feel sort of cheated :( Where was the fun?

Okei, to be fair, lab was sort of fun :)

Went fishing with Morgan and Dominic yesterday, at Hole in the Wall. It was beautiful, although deceptively overcast and windy- got reverse racoon eyes sunburn. I look quite silly.

Finally got MRI trained with the Lucas 4.7T magnet today. Thank goodness that's out of the way. Ek, all that scanning is what I have to look forward to for the rest of the school year.

Now up for meeting with the Oxford ladies in Borrones and then movies and more hanging out :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pre-meds are psycho (Part I)

Just to state a fact.

More to follow.

Very cool.

Pre-meds are psycho (Part I)

Look what the Princeton Review sent me last week. The really sad thing is...I think I would have done most of this stuff anyways (except the part about putting away my books and not studying)...and I think they're really fantastic ideas. Sheesh...what's wrong with our subpopulation of students?! Dunno about this whole banana and Belgium waffle huge breakfast though...sounds sort of gross.


Hey Christine,Saturday's almost here, and now it is time for the nitty gritty preparation:

1. PUT YOUR BOOKS AWAY. I am serious. You have been studying for months; you know this stuff. If you want to do something, then read. Good choices are Scientific America (# 1 in my book), DISCOVER (#2 for me), OMNI, Newsweek, TIME, US News and World Report, Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, etc.

2. Go to your test site. I am not joking. You need to know where you are going and where you are going to park. And doing this ahead of time will guarantee that you won't get lost on that day.

3. On Friday pack your bag during the day (see below) and then that night, rent a movie and chill out. Go to bed at a decent hour. If you try to go to bed at 8pm it won't work, you will sit in bed staring at your ceiling for several hours. If you find yourself wired and anxious, DON'T take sleeping aides.....suffer the restlessness, drink some warm milk, chamomile tea will feel better if you are only tired in the morning and not drugged up.....adrenaline will take care of tired....nothing takes care of drugged!

a. A BIG HUGE BREAKFAST - you won't become listless from a big breakfast, only fueled for your marathon plus the adrenaline is pumping (fatigue occurs during the first HOUR of the MCAT)
b. A HEALTHY LIGHT LUNCH - warm rooms + overstuffed belly + 5 hours into MCAT = a serious want to sleep
c. SNACKS AT EVERY BREAK - high protein high fat snacks (i.e. peanut butter and cheese crackers) are the best type of brain food
d. FOOD CHOICE - as stated FATS are brain food - (lots of energy 9cal/g) they are stored well for short term storage and accessed relatively quickly. Carbohydrates (4 cal/g) are necessary for immediate energy needs and should not be forgotten as should proteins (more because proteins are usually associated with vital minerals and vitamins) Go for the Belgian waffles with butter and the double side of bacon and eggs for breakfast (make it big, satisfying and a reward for your hard work) (Hell, add a biscuit) Lunch should be light!!!! A sandwich, soup, salad with some meat on it etc. Nothing heavy or laden with grease. Keep it simple you just need to sustain energy not store a bunch for another full are in the home stretch.
e. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS - potassium is good (no cramps or heart failures) so you can bring a banana for one of the ten-minute breaks or put bananas on your waffles. Water is necessary for digestion and dehydration is both disorienting and annoying....drink moderate amounts and avoid diuretics throughout the day like coffee, tea, coke, Dr. Pepper, ALCOHOL, etc. Don't overdue's hard to concentrate with a throbbing bladder! Tums help weak stomachs and nervous stomachs as does ginger ale and 7Up. Candy - avoid sugary candies but you can have robust candies like snickers (peanuts), Mars (almonds) and other nut containing candies. These will provide both a sugar rush and a substantial sustained energy supply. Know ahead of time WHERE you are planning on eating and if parking or transport will be a problem (also why you should take the trip over there before). Things are probably not open on campus on Saturdays or at least have altered schedules. Don't plan an e! laborate setting or a far travel distance (car troubles can wreck havoc on an MCAT especially if you are not walking distance to test site) ideally bring your lunch. DO NOT look at any MCAT materials or talk about the MCAT during lunch but read a magazine and relax.

4. PACK your bag in advance. Pack a small back-pack with the following, all of which are absolute necessary (trust while you are packing you'll be reassuring yourself about being prepared for the MCAT):
a. at least two nutritional snacks (bananas and Peanut butter and cheese crackers are ideal!)
b. several pencils, a pen you trust and like to write with (money spent on a good pen is never wasted ...if you don't have a favorite try the Roller ball ultra-micro 5mm pens....the best and only about 2 dollars)...then pack a second and a third of same pen....just in case.
c. spare socks, change of clothing to be left in your car (I'll explain below)
d. quarters for phones, name and number of a taxi service
e. gum (only if you are a quiet chewer)
f. MCAT registration!!!!!! You're probably thinking, "Like, duh" but you will be surprised! (If you did not include a picture when you registered you can bring one with you to the test site).
g. Photo ID and other forms of ID
h. hygiene products (stress does amazing things to the delicate balance of your bodily activities known as the female menstrual cycle and other unpleasant sounds and smells).
I. Some money for vending and lunch!!! Again, duh, but you will be surprised!j. A magazine to read during lunch
K. a positive attitude

5. CLOTHING - universities are notoriously different environments on Saturdays than on a regular day....fewer people providing body heat, fewer doors opening and closing, etc which means in all likelihood you will be in a room that is either cooler than normal or warmer than normal. And normal temp for 45-minute classes is not the same as several hours and not moving around. Burning up sweating in leather shoes, tight jeans and a button down oxford is probably just as bad as the sockless in the short shorts and tank top with the goose bumps everywhere....NOT FUN.

Recommended Combat gear is as follows:Loose fitting jeans/sweat pants worn over an acceptable pair of walking shorts (this is not a fashion show. It's your life!!!)Cotton socks and tennis shoesShort sleeved shirt with sweatshirt over it.Sounds crazy to recommend what to wear but I have heard all the horror stories of stiletto heals and leather trench coats (not in the same outfit, I assure you). Be aware you may have the need to strip down mid-test section and do not be embarrassed.... for there will be at least 40-50% of the room that wished they could have done the same thing and the proctor can't stop you from doing so as long as it's not a complete distraction!ALSO as mentioned before - a spare set of clothing tucked away in your car or you bag could come to the rescue.... it is hard to concentrate when you have an ice-cream-sundae slowly crisping up and drying in your lap during the essay section (really!!!!!...Seen it and the poor young man did not sit well with it!)

6. TEST DAY. Wake up early enough that you won't be rushed.
a. Shower - not for your sake but your test taking neighbors deserve the respect and plus it is a relaxing activity that will wake you up.
b. Eat- for breakfast, see above.
c. While in the car or waiting in line read something other than your MCAT materials. Just an article in a magazine or newspaper so it doesn't take you half of the verbal section to remember how to read.
d. Relax; don't let the people around you stress you out. This is just another diagnostic, you know the routine.
e. If you see anything strange on the test, don't let it fluster you. Forget about it during the test and e-mail you instructor after.

7. When the test is over, wait until you get home to celebrate! Others may not feel as confident as you do about their test.If you have last minute questions or issues feel free to give me a call or e-mail me.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The gratuitous mouse MRI shot. Pretty cool, eh? G'luck to Elise and Craig on their AHA presentations tomorrow! Posted by Picasa

The Surreal Week

I stole this from Marissa's profile, but is it bizarre or what? And how the heck does Marissa find all these cool/strange sites anyways?

Freaking out about MCATs. Feeling like a sieve/colandar/other draining device unlike a sponge.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

And "secret boyfriend" = MCAT...perhaps not so secret, or exciting after all

Funny aim convo with John Shen the other day :)

(6:09:38 PM): howdy
Jeijei123 (6:09:40 PM): heya
N9572L (6:09:44 PM): long time no talk!
N9572L (6:09:54 PM): how's the secret boyfriend
Jeijei123 (6:10:16 PM): ugh, he sucks
N9572L (6:10:19 PM): hahah
N9572L (6:10:24 PM): you should break up with him
Jeijei123 (6:10:27 PM): not feeling the love
N9572L (6:10:29 PM): and work and mcdonalds
N9572L (6:10:29 PM): aww
Jeijei123 (6:10:33 PM): i give and i give...
Jeijei123 (6:10:42 PM): mcdonalds?
N9572L (6:11:18 PM): break up with the boyfriend
N9572L (6:11:22 PM): and screw the career
N9572L (6:11:28 PM): go eat hamburgers
Jeijei123 (6:11:54 PM): haha
Jeijei123 (6:11:57 PM): why hamburgers?
N9572L (6:12:11 PM): idk, they taste good and don't require taking mcats?
Jeijei123 (6:12:52 PM): haha
N9572L (6:12:54 PM): :-)
Jeijei123 (6:12:55 PM): most things don't
N9572L (6:13:13 PM): hehe or you could raise mice
N9572L (6:13:36 PM): you're kinda halfway there no?
N9572L signed on at 6:15:32 PM.
Jeijei123 (6:17:42 PM): hmm
Jeijei123 (6:17:45 PM): raising mice?
N9572L (6:17:50 PM): yeah
Jeijei123 (6:17:51 PM): eating miceburgers?
N9572L (6:17:56 PM): instead of this dr nonsense
N9572L (6:17:57 PM): hehehe
N9572L (6:18:01 PM): now you're thinkin'
Jeijei123 (6:18:01 PM): ew

Friday, August 12, 2005

Mellow Yellow

Took the career quiz on the princeton review website (does anyone else think it's a bit pessimistic that it's on the main page for students enrolled in their MCAT class? like...maybe you should think of something else to do for the rest of your life, you know, if this whole med thing doesn't work out? hmm). Anyways, it turns out...I'm yellow!

Your interest color is: YELLOW

People with yellow Interests like job responsibilities that include organizing and systematizing, and professions that are detail-oriented, predictable, and objective. People with yellow Interests enjoy activities that include: ordering, numbering, scheduling, systematizing, preserving, maintaining, measuring, specifying details, and archiving, which often lead to work in research, banking, accounting, systems analysis, tax law, finance, government work, and engineering.

Your usual style is: YELLOW

People with yellow styles perform their job responsibilities in a manner that is orderly and planned to meet a known schedule. They prefer to work where things get done with a minimum of interpretation and unexpected change. People with a yellow style tend to be orderly, cautious, structured, loyal, systematic, solitary, methodical, and organized, and usually thrive in a research-oriented, predictable, established, controlled, measurable, orderly environment. You will want to choose a work environment or career path in which your style is welcomed and produces results.

So I'm yellow. Isn't that just typical? :) Blah, I'm so boring. Nice to know I may have a future in Systems Managing, as a geneticist, dental assistant tech, as an actuary? What's a sommelier? Checking...

Wow! I vote for sommelier! AWESOME

Sommelier is the French term for cellarmaster or wine steward. Sommeliers are individuals with a love of wine who are eager to impart some of their knowledge to the customer. They can describe the regions, grapes, vineyards and vintages of an assortment of wines. The best sommeliers talk to, not at, their customers and enjoy when customers tell them of a bottle they have recently tasted that they are not familiar with. The sommelier either helps to create the wine list or compiles it on his own. The sommelier recommends wines that suit the customer's tastes and price range. Even those who are knowledgeable about wine can benefit from the sommelier�s advice. He has tasted the items on the wine list and knows which wines go best with which entrees. Many patrons are easily intimidated by wines and do not understand the terminology used to describe them. ...Extensive and frequent travel is part of the sommelier's career. Many travel yearly to different regions to choose wines for their restaurant. At times, they will leave a promising wine behind, but return to it repeatedly until they feel it has aged properly.

Hope the Asian flush doesn't interfere.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Don't Panic

Hitchiker's Guide seems more relevant than ever.

This is pretty cool- it's a link to this NPR story on the "Blinde Kuh" restaurant (wait is up to 3 months!). The dining area of the restaurant itself is completely sheathed in darkness and the idea is to let people get a glimpse into what it's like to be blind (blinde kuh means blind cow).

It was an interesting experience, although I don't recommend getting food that required cutting. the dark, I guess it doesn't matter if you start gnawing at your food. I hear one of the chefs is legally blind as well! Sounds like adventerous dining to me. The restrooms are lit though (but you have to be guided there by a waiter). I remember eating risotto and being a bit weirded out by not being able to identify some of the stuff in the food. Took some leftovers home and figured out what was zuchinni/eggplant/etc. :)

The panic part is related to the looming date for the August MCAT.


Another, more relevant oddity: the Perseid meteor shower ( is tonight/tomorrow morning and tomorrow as well. I still remember the cold trek to the Mausaleum freshman year, with some of the Donner folk. Spontaneous a capella singing (or attempt thereof) and lying on our backs to stare at the stars. I think the best meteor shower I've seen was on a cold morning in Jacksonville, back in 11th or 12th grade. It was amazing.

Not amazing, but definitely shocking is this piece of news: hepatitis A was detected in the room of the animal facility that my mice have been housed in for the past 6 months! Ek, this is terrible because the study is a long term physiological one and we're barely halfway (heck, haven't even got to do iso pumps or any of the really cool stuff). Hmm...I should probably make sure I'm Hep A vaccinated too. No news on whether the mice will be okei (or....dumdumdum...exterminated!) but can't really worry about anything other than the MCAT until after August 20th. Then it'll be worrying about packing and getting ready for Argentina and then home for 4 days, back to Stanford for staff training and lab stuff. I wonder if this means I don't have to spend a kazillion hours at the MRI after all. Hmm....

There's a bright side to everything, no?

Well, no.

MCAT good points:
-Hanging out with the carpool gals :) Fun times, great griping group
-Learning and relearning! It's neat to understand stuff, haha
-Ample use of some excellent libraries
-Keeps me busy and somewhat productive???

MCAT terrible points:
-Miss the gym :(
-Miss socializing and people
-Some sleep debt
-...everything else...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Ohio...20 iterations later

I've gotten myself hooked onto this song by Bowling for Soup, called "Ohio (Come Back to Texas)." It's cute and the lyrics are pretty funny, but at this point I've definitely overdone it :-P Going to download some Alkaline Trio, which I hear is rather good too.

Did I mention I finished the Harry Potter book? Can't remember if I did...anyways, I thought it was excellent! Better than book 5, to be sure (wayy to much whining and wah wah wah-ing in that one...::sigh:: teens). Read bits of it over 2 days and then had an insomniac night and finished the monster off that night (the size of that book is seriously starting to give Les Mis a run for its money).

Friday was awesome- went to see Big Robots play at "The Jungle"- this really neat cafe/printshop (by day) and, er, small place were bands play on Fridays. They had a fog machine that sort of resembled a chain smoker after a couple of huge puffs of fog. Big Robots (even though they were missing AJ) were great :) ( So sad to be losing Kiel to Taiwan.

Hm...diagnostic #3 this past Sat. Hopefully it went better than the others. Actually, I think it did go a lot better than the others...which still isn't saying much, but at least it's something. I need to start seriously studying more too, but have got stuff to finish up at lab first.

The rest of the weekend was pretty fun too. Spent most of it in Sunnyvale. Saw this old Jet Li movie "The Legend of Red Dragon," which was hilarious. Jet Li's voice was dubbed over in English (by Jet Li) and there was a 3 second pause after ever half sentence. Bets someone was feeding him his lines. The little wushu kids were adorable though.

Did EKG today and entered some data. The lab went to Chili's to celebrate Nathan's birthday! It was fun and Amy brought in some homemade carrot cake too.

Nap time!